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The sleeping mats are important equipment when traveling to the nature and if you pack a pillow as well, your body will say thank you. A common mat has two main tasks - to protect its owner from the cold (ie insulation), and comfort during sleep. You probably won't feel like you're on your home mattress, but there are mats that will bring you closer to this feeling.

Sleeping mats and pads are essential for multi-day stays in nature. Not only will they protect you from the cold, but at the same time they will help you to get the desired feeling of comfort, which means also energy for the next day. It is also worth mentioning the pillows, which are sometimes being ignored, but it matters where you put your head. The jumper under your head is really only a solution in emergency. 

(Self) inflatable or foam ? 

When it comes to mats, it is important to choose the right type for your specific needs. There are self-inflatable and inflatable mats as well as classic foam ones. The higher comfort offering first two types, but they are more prone to ripping. In addition to higher comfort, with self -inflating models the advantage is also compactness, they simply take up less space in the backpack than the foam ones. 

Clean up the space

Although the materials from which today's mats are made are very durable, they can not handle everything. So it is important to clean up the space, especially from the sharp objects, before you lay the mat down. You can even take the tarp with you as an extra protection. 

Watch out for the fire 

The foam mats are better when you sleep close to the fire. You won´t be sorry as much as with the (self) inflatable mats in case of possible sparks. With them, the sparks may cause even loss of functionality, unlike the foam mats, where the problem is going to be mostly only optical.  

The "R" Value 

The value R indicates the so-called thermal resistance. The higher the value under the letter R, the better the mat will insulate. In other words, the higher the R number, the lower temperature you can withstand.

Pillows for better comfort 

Many people ignore to take a pillow when traveling. But it is an important piece of equipment, that saves at least your cervical spine and at the same time allows for mor comfortable and effective sleep. We recommend inflatable pillows, that takes up only little space and at the same time are ultra-lightweight. 

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Sleeping mats and camping gear

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