Spoiled meat is not just an unpleasant accident in the kitchen – it can cause serious health complications and be dangerous for you and your family. But how can you safely recognize such meat? And what to do if you already have it in the refrigerator? This article will tell you how to distinguish healthy meat from spoiled meat, how to store meat properly and what to do with it when it's too late. This way you will avoid many inconveniences – whether it's digestive problems or food waste.
How to tell if beef is spoiled? You can usually tell at first glance. Definitely do not buy or eat beef if it has the following characteristics:
Healthy and edible beef is red. Cracked edges are not a defect – do not expect health problems because of them. A faded color of the meat indicates that this piece of beef has been lying on the counter for some time. How long that time is depends on several factors and the conditions in which the meat is stored.
Healthy and edible beef is red.
There are certain signs that will help us recognize spoiled pork. Whether you are choosing meat at the butcher or taking it out of the refrigerator, check for the following warning signs:
The correct color of pork is deep pink. If your piece of meat is anything other than pink, be careful.
Unlike the cases mentioned above, how to recognize spoiled chicken is a question only for a truly trained eye. That is, at least until the meat starts to smell. It just takes a little practice and you can check the following characteristics of chicken (poultry) meat:
You can recognize fresh chicken by its color. The meat has a light color, which is slightly pink. Any other color of chicken should arouse your natural distrust.
The meat you plan to use should always be heat-treated.
It can smell sour, like rotten eggs, sulfur, or ammonia. When you smell spoiled chicken, you will probably feel sick. Even fresh chicken can smell a little, but it is usually the smell of blood. You can simply wash it off under running water. If the smell of meat still does not go away, then it is usually beyond repair and it is better to throw it away.
When buying minced meat (usually vacuum-packed), always check the expiration date first. Only put the meat in the basket after you have thought about what you will use it for and when. You can also recognize spoiled minced meat by certain warning signs. These are:
Be careful, check the color of the meat throughout the vacuum packaging. Dishonest traders can cheat by mixing fresh minced meat with slightly older meat.
Always store fresh meat that you will not use before the expiration date in the freezer.
People believe that it is enough to heat the meat, wash it in vinegar or salt it to make it okay. But this is not true. Once the meat is spoiled, it is spoiled for good and nothing can save it. Do not risk your health and do not believe these myths. Cutting out the spoiled piece will not solve the problem – the bacteria could have spread throughout the meat.
E. coli – serious digestive problems
One of the most common bacteria in spoiled meat is Escherichia coli (E. coli). This bacteria causes serious digestive problems, such as severe diarrhea, vomiting and malaise. Food poisoning can also be accompanied by fever, excessive sweating or dehydration.
Salmonella – dangerous salmonellosis
Among the most common health problems is salmonellosis, caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. In addition to spoiled meat, these bacteria are also found in eggs, mayonnaises and creams. The symptoms are similar to those of E. coli: diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. In extreme cases, salmonellosis can cause acidosis or even death.
Other rarer infections
In addition to E. coli and salmonellosis, other infections can occur that should not be underestimated. These include, for example, botulism, caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which produces a dangerous botulinum toxin.
Shop wisely
You can prevent meat spoilage when you buy it. Choose meat from trusted sellers – whether it’s retailers, suppliers or supermarkets. When choosing, it’s important to think about the quantity. Buy only as much as you will actually use so that the meat doesn’t spoil unnecessarily.
Proper storage
Always store fresh meat that you won’t use before the use-by date in the freezer. Meat that you plan to eat in the next few days, divide into portions and store in the refrigerator. Follow the recommended storage time – for example, poultry should not be in the refrigerator for longer than 48 hours.
Safe preparation
The meat you plan to use should always be cooked. Make sure it is sufficiently cooked, baked or fried – undercooked steak can be a source of dangerous bacteria. Never exceed the expiration date or shelf life indicated on the package.
Avoid waste
Reducing the risk of meat spoilage and reducing waste go hand in hand. If you know you won’t be able to use up fresh meat in time, offer it to neighbors or your pets. However, be careful with heat-treated poultry – its bones can be dangerous for animals.
Once meat is spoiled, it cannot be consumed. Where to go with it? Our grandmothers used to bury spoiled meat in the garden, although it was rare for any of their food to spoil at all. Moreover, with such a procedure, there is a risk that you will not bury the meat properly and rats will spread on your property. And besides, not everyone is lucky enough to have a garden.
So another option is to throw spoiled meat in the organic waste. But there is another catch. Not every municipality collects organic waste and, moreover, throwing animal products in the organic waste is often prohibited by the processing company. You would also not be happy if you found chicken bones in the purchased industrial compost.
Therefore, the best (although still not ideal) solution is to seal the spoiled meat in an airtight bag and throw it in the municipal waste bin. Not in the trash can. Why? You would feel it quite strongly the next day at the latest. Even in the waste bin, it is advisable to cover the discarded meat with ashes or perhaps cat litter so that the smell does not spread further. The reason is again rats or other rodents that could spread around (and this could lead to further infections).
Most fresh meat you buy at the butcher's will have a "use by 24 hours" label, which you should follow in your own best interest.
How long can meat last in the fridge?
Most fresh meat you buy from the butcher's shop will say "use by 24 hours", which you should follow in your own interest. For poultry, which spoils the fastest, it should really be within 48 hours at the latest, red meat (beef or pork) will last 3 to 5 days and finally, always check the expiration date on vacuum-packed minced meat.
How to get rid of the smell from chicken?
We said above that chicken can smell even if it is not spoiled. You can get rid of the smell from good chicken by rinsing it under running water. This process will not help spoiled meat.
Can I eat chicken that is a day old?
Whenever you are not sure, it is better not to eat meat. So if the meat shows even the slightest signs of spoilage, it is better to throw it away. It is important to take care of your health, reducing waste and saving money is secondary.
What does yellowish chicken meat mean?
A yellowish color in chicken meat does not always mean that the meat is spoiled. It can be caused by a layer of fat, or by longer (but not too long) storage, but also by the food that the animal was fed during its life (for example, carotenoids or corn). If the meat is also slimy or smells, then throw it away regardless of the color. If you buy meat from an unverified supplier, the changed color of the meat may also be caused by chemical additives.
What does pink chicken meat mean?
The pink color of chicken meat may mean that the meat is raw or undercooked, but this is far from the only factor. You can tell if the meat is sufficiently cooked if, immediately after cooking or baking, the meat has a temperature of at least 75°C at the thickest point (you can check with a kitchen thermometer).
The pink color of chicken meat can also indicate the following:
What if the meat is sour?
If the meat smells and has an unnaturally sour taste, throw it away. Otherwise, other factors can also cause the acidity of the meat, such as some methods of preparation or marinating. Another reason can be poor storage, for example, leading to the “drawing in” the smell of other food in the refrigerator. In some types of meat, such as smoked meat, the acidity can be caused by controlled fermentation and may not be harmful. However, if the meat was not intended for fermentation, it is a warning sign that something is wrong.
What happens if I eat spoiled meat?
Spoiled meat is not our natural diet, so the body will first try to expel it through nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These are all symptoms of food poisoning. If the above-mentioned bacteria enter the body, the body can fight them with a fever. You may feel general weakness and fatigue, as well as dehydration (especially with prolonged vomiting and diarrhea). In such cases, seek medical attention immediately. And of course, drink plenty of fluids.
Health is the most important thing. Always be safe when working with meat – your body will thank you. And if you are not sure, it is better to throw away the meat than to risk health complications.